The first nine represent the numerals 0 through 9, and the next 26 being capital letters (A-Z). This was done, because the 36 (0x24)'s tile is a tile that takes the color of the current background (for all intents and purposes, transparent). This can be verified by looking in a level editor, as shown here: Internally, the game represents the second warp zone mentioned as World 36, World 5, and World 36 again. The first warp zone takes you normally to World 2, 3, and 4, while the second one only allows the player to World 5, however, the warp zones internally must have three locations. There are two of these that are important for the minus world glitch: the one at the end of World 1-2 (following the exit pipe) and the one at the end of World 4-2 (also following the exit pipe). Load it into Reggie Next, and you're finished! Reggie will make a separate stage folder with the original files incase you want them back.In Super Mario Bros, you can access warp zones in three areas of the game. The Stage folder will have arc files labeled 0x-0y.arc (x = world number, y = level number). Now you can open up Reggie Next again and select the 'Stage' folder in (Wherever you saved it)/DATA/files. This might take a moment, but once you do this you will have the game into separate files! Now you click on disc, right-click, and select "Extract entire disc". You can right click on the banner, click on Properties, Then Filesystem. If you load the Mario Wii iso into Dolphin, It should show something like this. If you've run Reggie Next it will be asking for a stage folder. Once you have your ISO file, you will need to download 2 programs. Step Two - Downloads and File Extractions While I can't directly link one, you can find one by looking on Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. So, for starters, your going to need a '.iso' file of the game. This guide will walk you through how to set up the Reggie! Next level editor for New Super Mario Bros Wii.